
HalalFest Specializes in:

•Event Logistics & Management

•Annual Halal Fests

•Business Development & Acquisitions

•Digital Marketing 

We throw memorable Community Events across the board, & inclusive of all 

•Spreading Halal Awareness while promoting our participating clients, vendors, businesses, & partners

Please refer to @HalalFest Instagram Platform to view all previous Events & Flyer Archive

America’s Largest Halal Food & Eid Festival aka “Halal Fest” is a collaborative event organized by a group of American Muslims from various different backgrounds and ethnicities who have one thing in common: Their love of great food! 

Established in 2012, HalalFest is about bringing the community together, using Halal Food as our focal point. HalalFest plans  Festivals which have amassed crowds of over ten thousand (10k+) attendees, hosts Muslim Community Nights, Event Management, Business Development, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Giveaways and much more!


To become a Sponsor, a Vendor at our events and/or interested in business partnerships with HalalFest, please 


Call: (510) 97-HFEST (43378)

Event Archive